Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What Your Acilles Heel?

Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles tendinitis is a common condition that causes pain along the back of the leg near the heel.
The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body. It connects your calf muscles to your heel bone and is used when you walk, run, and jump.
Although the Achilles tendon can withstand great stresses from running and jumping, it is also prone to tendinitis, a condition associated with overuse and degeneration.

Simply defined, tendinitis is inflammation of a tendon. Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury or disease, and often causes swelling, pain, or irritation. There are two types of Achilles tendinitis, based upon which part of the tendon is inflamed.

Achilles tendinitis is typically not related to a specific injury. The problem results from repetitive stress to the tendon. This often happens when we push our bodies to do too much, too soon, but other factors can make it more likely to develop tendinitis, including:.
  • Sudden increase in the amount or intensity of exercise activity—for example, increasing the distance you run every day by a few miles without giving your body a chance to adjust to the new distance
  • Tight calf muscles—Having tight calf muscles and suddenly starting an aggressive exercise program can put extra stress on the Achilles tendon
  • Bone spur—Extra bone growth where the Achilles tendon attaches to the heel bone can rub against the tendon and cause pain

Common symptoms of Achilles tendinitis include:
  • Pain and stiffness along the Achilles tendon in the morning
  • Pain along the tendon or back of the heel that worsens with activity
  • Severe pain the day after exercising
  • Thickening of the tendon
  • Bone spur (insertional tendinitis)
  • Swelling that is present all the time and gets worse throughout the day with activity
If you have experienced a sudden "pop" in the back of your calf or heel, you may have torn your Achilles tendon.

In most cases, nonsurgical treatment options will provide pain relief, although it may take a few months for symptoms to completely subside. Even with early treatment, the pain may last longer than 3 months. If you have had pain for several months before seeking treatment, it may take 6 months before treatment methods take effect.
 The first step in reducing pain is to decrease or even stop the activities that make the pain worse. If you regularly do high-impact exercises switching to low-impact activities will put less stress on the Achilles tendon. Cross-training activities such as biking, elliptical exercise, and swimming are low-impact options to help you stay active.
Placing ice on the most painful area of the Achilles tendon is helpful and can be done as needed throughout the day. This can be done for up to 20 minutes and should be stopped earlier if the skin becomes numb. A foam cup filled with water and then frozen creates a simple, reusable ice pack. After the water has frozen in the cup, tear off the rim of the cup. Then rub the ice on the Achilles tendon. With repeated use, a groove that fits the Achilles tendon will appear, creating a "custom-fit" ice pack.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bulging Disk

Bulging And Herniated Disc

Bulging discs can be a disabling and potentially dangerous condition affecting athletes and active individuals alike. It is a condition which can be overlooked or misdiagnosed, but should not be taken lightly due to the possibility of serious consequences.

                                         Background Info    

Discs are sandwiched between the spinal vertebrae that make up the bones of the back. The disc can be compared to a jelly donut, whereas the jelly is the center of the disc, and is known as the nucleus pulposus. Surrounding the jelly is the donut portion, or the anulus fibrosus, which, as its name implies, is a series of interwoven fibrous rings, designed to contain the central portion of the disc. If the nucleus pulposus (or jelly) migrates away from the center, the annulus fibrosus will become deformed and bulge. Continued bulging of the disc may result in a partial or complete herniation, whereas the jelly is squeezed out of the donut. Depending on how much of the nucleus pulposus is displaced determines if is a partial or complete herniation. The chemical makeup of the nucleus is aggravating to the surrounding structures, including muscles, ligaments, blood vessels and nerve endings, and when the disc herniation irritates these structures pain, spasms, swelling, weakness, paresthesia or even paralysis may be caused.


As with many injuries, there can be multiple culprits to a herniated disc. Chronic multiple microtraumas or a macrotrauma may cause the onset of the condition. Factors that may expose someone to higher risk to develop a disc problem include posture, physical condition, anatomic structure and alignment, congenital conditions, and preexisting/coexisting injuries.  For example, a baseball catcher or football lineman may have muscular imbalances and poor posture, which increase the risk of developing a herniated disc.  This may be compounded by multiple microtraumas such as bending, pushing, or twisting inherent in their position; or a sudden macrotrauma such as getting hit while protecting home plate or having to take on an unexpected double team block. In these instances the individual may be predisposed to a disc injury, and by experiencing chronic repeated stressors or a single significant episode, the forces may push the disc beyond the limits of the surrounding cartilage to cause a disc herniation.


The treatment focus is on centralizing the bulging nucleus back into the disc (which is usually only possible for bulging discs due to the difficulty with getting the jelly back into the center of the donut, after it has been squeezed out). Initial management of any pain or spasm that may coexist may be treated by modalities including ice, heat, ultrasound, electrical stimulation or massage, or a host of other common methods. As the pain is managed and begins subsiding, treatment focus will shift to the core of the problem. This will include specific exercises to assist in centralizing the disc: spinal extension exercises are indicated with posterior bulging discs; spinal flexion exercises for anterior bulging discs. Together with a calculated stretching regimen, postural management, and core trunk strengthening and stabilization exercises (to improve endurance, strength and power); successful management of the problem can be achieved. Some individuals may require spinal manipulation or mobilization techniques, deep soft tissue mobilization, neural stretching, or various other interventions by trained personnel for successful results. The intervention of a physician or orthopedic surgeon may also be necessary, particularly if the disc is herniated. However, if the bulging disc is detected early enough and properly treated, successful long-term results are highly likely.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Concussions and Athletes

What is a Concussion?

 A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury, caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that can change the way your brain normally works. Concussions can also occur from a blow to the body that causes the head to move rapidly back and forth. Even a “ding,” “getting your bell rung,” or what seems to be mild bump or blow to the head can be serious.
 Concussions can occur in any sport or recreation activity. So, all coaches, parents, and athletes need to learn concussion signs and symptoms and what to do if a concussion occurs.

To help recognize a concussion, you should watch for the following two things among your athletes:
  • A forceful bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body that results in rapid movement of the head.
  • Any change in the athlete’s behavior, thinking, or physical functioning.
Athletes who experience any of the signs and symptoms listed below after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body should be kept out of play the day of the injury and until a health care professional, experienced in evaluating for concussion, says they are symptom-free and it’s OK to return to play.

What Should I do If a Concussion Occurs?

If you suspect that an athlete has a concussion, implement your 4-step action plan:
  1. Remove the athlete from play. Look for signs and symptoms of a concussion if your athlete has experienced a bump or blow to the head or body. When in doubt, keep the athlete out of play.
  2. Ensure that the athlete is evaluated by a health care professional experienced in evaluating for concussion. Do not try to judge the severity of the injury yourself. Health care professionals have a number of methods that they can use to assess the severity of concussions. As a coach, recording the following information can help health care professionals in assessing the athlete after the injury:

    • Cause of the injury and force of the hit or blow to the head or body
    • Any loss of consciousness (passed out/knocked out) and if so, for how long
    • Any memory loss immediately following the injury
    • Any seizures immediately following the injury
    • Number of previous concussions

  3. Inform the athlete’s parents or guardians about the possible concussion and give them the fact sheet on concussion. Make sure they know that the athlete should be seen by a health care professional experienced in evaluating for concussion.
  4. Keep the athlete out of play the day of the injury and until a health care professional, experienced in evaluating for concussion, says they are symptom-free and it’s OK to return to play. A repeat concussion that occurs before the brain recovers from the first—usually within a short period of time (hours, days, or weeks)—can slow recovery or increase the likelihood of having long-term problems. In rare cases, repeat concussions can result in edema (brain swelling), permanent brain damage, and even death

What Can I Do to Prevent Concussions?

  • Teach and practice safe playing techniques.
  • Encourage athletes to follow the rules of play and to practice good sportsmanship at all times

Teach athletes it’s not smart to play with a concussion.Rest is key after a concussion. Sometimes athletes, parents, and other school or league officials wrongly believe that it shows strength and courage to play injured. Discourage others from pressuring injured athletes to play.
Prevent long-term problems. If an athlete has a concussion, their brain needs time to heal. Don’t let them return to play the day of the injury and until a health care professional, experienced in evaluating for concussion, says they are symptom-free and it’s OK to return to play. A repeat concussion that occurs before the brain recovers from the first—usually within a short time period (hours, days, weeks)—can slow recovery or increase the chances for long-term problems.

Personal Experience

In a basketball game last year, I was pursuing a rebound and received an elbow right across my forehead. I immediately fell to my knees holding my face in a great deal of pain. I remember feeling very weird throughout the game. After the game I went to the trainer to get checked on. After he asked me a few questions and took a look at me, he told me that I was concussed, and that he’s not going to allow me to practice the next day. It was possibly the worse feeling that I had ever felt. It was not fun at all.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Petellar Tendonitis And Athletes

Patellar Tendonitis

The patellar tendon connects the kneecap (the patella) to the shin bone. This is part of the extensor mechanism of the knee, and together with the kneecap quadriceps tendon and the quadriceps muscle, these structures allow your knee to straighten out, and provide strength for a kicking motion. The patellar tendon, like other tendons, is made of tough string-like bands. These bands are surrounded by a vascular tissue lining that provides nutrition to the tendon.

Patellar tendonitis is the condition that occurs when the tendon becomes inflamed and irritated. This condition is most often seen in athletes who do repetitive jumping, the reason patellar tendonitis is often called "jumper's knee." Patellar tendonitis is most often seen in participants of sports including basketball and volleyball, although can also be seen in runners and other types of athletes.

I know myself know how patellar tendonitis feels. My whole freshman year,i found myself spending a lot of time in the training room getting treatment on my knee. It kept me from being able to perform the way I should have. Playing a sport with a lot of running and jumping with knee tendonitis is very difficult. 

Symptoms of Patellar Tendon Conditions

Patellar tendonitis and tendinosis usually cause pain directly over the patellar tendon. The tendon is usually tender and swollen. Movement of the knee may causes a crunching sensation called crepitus directly over the swollen tendon. The other common symptom of patellar tendon problems is pain with activities, especially jumping or kneeling.

Patellar Tendon Treatment

Treatment should be initiated once the proper diagnosis is confirmed by your doctor. If the problem is an acute inflammation, treatment may include:
  • Rest
  • The most important first step in treatment is to avoid activities that aggravate the problem. Your body is the best guide to know how much to rest the injured knee--if an activity hurts in the area of the injured patellar tendon, then you should rest from that activity.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications include a long list of possibilities such as Ibuprofen, Motrin, Naprosyn, Celebrex, and many others. Patellar tendonitis treatment can be improved by these medications that will decrease pain and swelling. Be sure to talk to your doctor before.

Above is a patellar strap, similar ones are used by many athletes on every level of play.

More Forms of Treatment

When the condition is chronic, treatment of inflammation is less likely to be helpful, therefore the focus of treatment for patellar tendonitis is with therapy. The most helpful therapeutic exercises for treatment of tendonitis are eccentric strengthening exercises. 

Some surgeons are also using a treatment called PRP injections for treatment of patellar tendonitis. These injections may help stimulate a healing reaction in the body, although scientific evidence has yet to strongly support the use of this experimental treatment.